Interpretive Master Plan: Completed!

This Interpretive Master Plan (IMP) intends to set the direction for how Wild Bear’s facility near Mud Lake engages its audience to develop understanding, enhance knowledge, reveal meaning, and connect emotionally to its public through the built opportunities at the site and interior spaces. Wild Bear has been and will remain a strongly programmatic institution that will continue to develop programs and person-to-person engagement at the core of its mission and methods. Yet, there are tremendous opportunities to expand interpretive connection to audiences through creating spaces that enrich the visitor experience. This plan focuses on these built visitor engagement approaches, recognizing that in many instances they will be incorporated into programming.

The Interpretive Master Plan connects and coordinates physical spaces with visitor engagement approaches, creative spaces, and an understanding of spatial function. Some areas are highly immersive with interpretive spaces that employ formal and informal exhibits, interactives, and story. Other spaces within the building use interpretive tools such as community art, and themes to serve as a backdrop to programming. Some areas are a blend of the two.

Wild Bear is a living institution. Its decades of experience demonstrate an institution that is constantly evolving and improving. Old ideas are improved upon. New ideas are introduced. New needs and messages are developed. The IMP allows flexibility as well as a strong core visitor experience upon which change and adaptation is encouraged and uncomplicated.

Community has always been central to Wild Bear’s existence, and this master plan embraces community in creation and build-out of interpretive moments and structures. Throughout the IMP, and in the We Are Nature exhibit hall, many of the suggested exhibit elements are flexible to allow a blend of contract fabrication and locally sourced materials, creativity, and labor. As the project moves from master plan to full concept design, a coordinated process of engaging community will inform balancing these approaches.


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